Don't say you're going to vote and then get too blazed the night before and wake up late. Or the ghost of Mary Jane will haunt ya!! Find out the election day, write it down on your calender, or in your smart phone, or tattoo it on your hand because you don't want to be the ass who forgot to vote!! Make it apart of a party--get your buddies together, go vote, come back home and celebrate with dem healing herbs. Or better yet, figure out how to vote early and do it that way so you won't have to remember to vote on election day.
Seriously, this is the time to show the naysayers that law-abiding adults can enjoy the medical, spiritual and recreational benefits of marijuana responsibly; and help fund health and school programs with the tax dollars gained from the sales. This is America and we should have the freedom to ingest this ancient, healing, plant without the threat of jail. There are countless police officers who support this too because they know the truth--they see it on the front lines. Marijuana is not a problem drug--meth is and that's where the biggest problem lies if you ask any honest police officer, judge or district attorney. And don't forget to donate to the cause--chip in $10, $20, $50 dollars to the campaign to legalize by donating to "Yes on 19." Don't be greedy and spend all your money on buddz!! We all need to help out even if we don't live in Cali because a movement always has to start somewhere!! Peace, Love and Respect.
~The Green Man has Spoken~