The Grove Celebrates Marriage Equality Being Legal in New York State.
The grove is alive with jubilation with the news that New York state has legalized marriage equality. This won't just benefit New York citizens; as New York will marry those from out of state. In addition, the example of New York will have strong influence on other states due to its size and political influence. My Neo-Pagan beliefs allow and call for acceptance of all sexual preferences. I like the Pagan influence of seeing sexuality, in general, as a gift of this life to be shared and lauded in all it's forms (except, obviously, things like pedophilia).America has for too long been a "sex negative" culture. In that, a lot of Americans see the celebration of sexuality as immoral. I couldn't disagree more; sexuality is at the core of humanity, which is the "sex positive" view. It feels wonderful for a reason!! It's time that Americans wake up to the gift of sexual pleasure; rather than seeing it as a "sin" to be avoided except for pro-creation purposes. Of course, marriage equality isn't just about sexual pleasure, however, here in the secret grove, that's often how we celebrate!!
The nymphs and fairies (of all sexual preferences) giggle with glee and erotically frolic with the half-naked satyrs throughout the woods. The grove isn't a place for prudish beliefs about nudity. I almost always wear next to nothing in the grove; often, just my mask and crown of leaves, a gentle smile and a proud erection.
I'm not ashamed of it--why should I be? Having a healthy erection is a very natural celebration of life!! A strong erection is as apart of being a man as growing a beard--I welcome them and honor every one as a gift from Mother Nature and the Horned God, Cernunnos (pictured, right).
I know some might not like how I'm including sex in a discussion about marriage equality, but marriage and sex go hand in hand!! America is about freedom; and not being able to love freely or have sex freely with consenting adults of the same-sex isn't in keeping with that tradition. I'm glad our society is broadening it's view of marriage and sexuality.
I feel, we need a sex liberation movement as much as a gay marriage movement. We got the ball rolling in the 1960s and then the trend of "traditional values" took over; despite the reality that there is no such thing as "traditional values" or "traditional marriage." Ancient Greeks were very accepting of homosexuality and sexual freedom. In the Bible, having multiple wives was considered, "traditional!!"
So, Sitting upon my throne of supple, green, saplings, I savor the moment and take pride in my bisexuality. The grove will always be a sanctuary for those with different sexual identities, gender identities and sexual preferences. We are a jovial and accepting clan who focus on unconditional love; over who you love or how you love. We are so proud and happy for our friends in New York.
In the meantime, the grove will continue to welcome refugees with open arms from the sexual orientation wars; provided you aren't uncomfortable with seeing the natural, naked, human form from time to time. If you accept those conditions, come on in, grab some wine and celebrate with us by watching the artful, natural beauty and talent of honorary grove member, Steve Retchless!!
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