Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

The Fallacy of Using the Bible to Oppose Homosexuality.

I laughed my ass off when I read this. I especially liked this part, "I believe in morality, which is doing right regardless of what I am told...not in religion, which is doing what I am told regardless of what is right." The Bible is one of the most inconsistent and incoherent pieces of religious fiction that I have ever read. And I've read it several times. Believe it or not, I was a Christian missionary at one point; and a good one. So, I've heard it all and read it all. It describes a god that is a petty, vindictive sociopath who is consumed by jealousy. No true god of humility would be such a megalomaniac. The god of the Bible is infested with intolerance and prone to murderous bouts of rage. This deity is the biggest hypocrite known to humanity. So, given all of this; why would anyone worship such a nasty being?

~The Green Man has Spoken~

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