Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Green Man on the Couch.

Being a near ward of the state due to mental psychosis, I am quite familiar with abstract thought. So, I was poking around the profiles of some of the readers that wander into the grove and ran across Wendy's creative description of herself. She uses metaphors and symbols to guide one toward a better understanding of her personality and essence. So, I decided that I'd give this method a go.

If I was an animal, I'd be a stray cat wandering the paths less traveled; observing the chaos of Earthly life from a hidden perch, high above the fray. If I was a location, I'd be a remote and dense, primeval forest; reclusive yet full of life. If I was a country, I'd be India for it's deep spirituality, and vibrant openness. If I was a type of music, I'd be the blues for the manic depression that stalks me relentlessly like an ancient curse.

If I was a movie, I'd be a Harry Potter film for the magical, other-worldly energy that radiates from within my heart. If I were a period in history, I'd be America during the 1920s-1940s because of the flair, rebellion and style of the period. If I were a famous person, I'd be John Muir for his sacred, respect, stewardship and love-affair for nature. If I were an element, I'd be fire; passionate, warm and independent. If I were an idea, I'd be liberalism. If I were a tree, I'd be a pine tree; hardy, robust, timeless and protective. If I were a fictional character, I'd be Albus Dumbledore for his intelligence, knowledge of the mysterious and level of maturity.

If I were a feature of nature, I'd be a meandering, mountain stream; fluid, easy-going and adaptable. If I were a language, I'd be French; romantic, stylish and classy. And, last but not least, if I was a plant I'd be marijuana; profoundly spiritual, yet humorous and versatile with a touch of psychological oddity. So, there you have an inside understanding of what it means to be "The Green Man."

~The Green Man has Spoken~

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